How many of these tropical fish can you name? If you're an avid snorkeler or scuba diver, probably all of them (1).
Chemicals & Chemistry
It's a given that the vitamins are necessary for life; but over the years there have been efforts to demonstrate that they also hold almost magical properties with respect to various diseases and conditions — think Linus Pauling with his theories
I've read some stupid _ _ _ _ (you know the word) in my time here, so nothing really surprises me anymore.
Some media outlets have claimed that air pollution will make you just as unhappy as the death of a spouse.
Not only is spring a beautiful time of year for those of us in the temperate zones, but it is also a financially lucrative period for companies in the business of making tissues, antihistamines, decongestants and other items to help deal with alle
Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes another growing season.
By Joel Shurkin
(Inside Science) -- Drilling below the floor of the Dead Sea, scientists have found evidence of cataclysmic droughts, far worse than anything ever recorded by humans -- a time when the Dead Sea was much deader.
In a world that is jam-packed with things to worry about—most of them nonsense—we have more nonsense, courtesy of California State Sen.
Every once in a while, I like to write about unusual elements. While you don't run into them all that often, some of those bad boys are pretty strange. Here are a couple that I've written about in the past:
"Lying" is considered one of those words civilized people should never say. That's why politicians never use it. Instead, their opponents are "misinformed" or "misspeaking" or "using alternative facts."