Is the Air Really Making Us Sick?

By ACSH Staff — Sep 07, 2005
Ted Balaker, editor of the Reason Foundation's Privatization Watch newsletter, interviewed HealthFactsAndFears contributor Dr. John Dunn, physician and toxicology expert, in Vol. 29, No. 3, 2005, on the topic of exaggerated air pollution fears: What do you think of the public's understanding of environmental health risks?

Ted Balaker, editor of the Reason Foundation's Privatization Watch newsletter, interviewed HealthFactsAndFears contributor Dr. John Dunn, physician and toxicology expert, in Vol. 29, No. 3, 2005, on the topic of exaggerated air pollution fears:

What do you think of the public's understanding of environmental health risks?

They're generally scared to death and the reason is the public health authorities have taken an irresponsible position with regard to the effects of air pollution and the magnitude of air pollution.

How would you assess the state of the air today?

The state of the air today is clearly so much improved over the last twenty years that even the EPA's favorite researchers have had to produce papers that say essentially at this point there is no danger in the air from ozone precursors, nitrogen compounds, sulfur compounds, lead components, or any of the other pollutants that were a major concern twenty-five years ago...

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