If you were concerned after reading a sentence like “Populations of honeybees have crashed in recent years, and many researchers have pointed the blame at a class of widely used insecticides called neonicotinoids,” you are not alone.&nbs
Chemicals & Chemistry
In October 2017, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) added to the weight of evidence they care more about media attention than science by publishing a "Letter" claiming that glyphosate was detected in urin
California has given up all pretense of being a state governed by reason or common sense: Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle ruled that coffee must carry a cancer warning label. The judge’s ruling is scientifically illiterate.
It's been a busy week for the Anti-Plasticites.
Since essential oils, such as lavender and tea tree oils have been all over the news for allegedly causing moobs, and I found that even my own colleagues at ACSH (1) didn't really know what the term "essential oil"
I will never be out of a job because literally, every single day, something idiotic is trending either on Google or Twitter. Today, the trending term is "Rubber Duck."
It is impossible to disprove a negative, which also means that it is impossible to prove that something is safe. The best you can do is perform the best possible studies using the best possible protocols.
In response to a bizarre emissions scandal - they were caught rigging emissions software to show improved performance in America long after their technology had been able to legitimately do it - Volkswagen AG announced a "path" toward el
Most mental health professionals would agree that if one could assign DSM V criteria to elements, zinc's diagnosis would be easy:
Code F31.9, Bipolar I disorder, current or recent episode unspecified.
While many people would rather never think about it, we're increasingly living in a country where wastewater is not only recaptured – but oftentimes it's treated so that it can be added to the water supply that flows from our taps at home.