Drugs & Pharmaceuticals

Your body cells, particularly neurons, love the sugar glucose. This is the reason that your body closely regulates the level of glucose in your blood. Your brain would literally starve without it.
My mother is one of the "lucky ones." She has a devoted family and caretaker, is able to live in her own home, and doesn't have to worry about choosing between food and prescription medications.
Stuart Levy passed away last week after a long illness.  He was a friend, not a close friend, and a colleague.  I hadn’t spoken with him in a while – probably not since I wrote an article for the Alliance for the Prudent Use
Hear that? If you listen carefully, you may be able to catch the raucous cheers of lawyers, used car salesmen, and politicians all over the United States.
The key problem for many struggling with the treatment of resistant infections and a paltry pipeline of new antibiotics has been the lack of a return on investment for companies trying to discover and develop new antibiotics.  In hospi
Suffice it to say that most people are genuinely clueless when it comes to chemistry, let alone, evaluation of the risks and/or benefits of different chemicals.
When newly minted physicians take the Hippocratic Oath, they are committing to a set of values that will guide their professional lives.
The early 1990s were known as the dark days of AIDS. After more than a decade of intensive research, the death rate from HIV infection remained at 100%.
"I can read the writing on the wall. So, Mama don't take my Kodachrome away"   Paul Simon, 1973 Since when did medications become a no-no?
I've decided not to watch any of the presidential debates because I just can't take it. If a politician isn't saying something stupid, he or she is saying something insulting. Oftentimes, it's both.
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