Other Science News

In the early days of microbiology experiments, when researchers needed test subjects they frequently went to those closest nearby which included their family or themselves.
The war on science has at least three fronts.
One of the many problems with academia is that it allows nutcases to flourish.
Understanding why there is an ever-increasing job dissatisfaction rate among doctors (see here) isn’t difficult to comprehend.
The most recent Olympic Games have had their own infectious disease crises. In the Rio summer games of 2016, Zika virus was a major concern for some athletes.
Flu season is well underway as anyone looking at the nightly news is aware. According to the CDC pneumonia and influenza mortality in this last period exceeds our epidemic threshold.
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw
The recently-published “Social Justice Warrior Handbook,” which satirizes people who promote liberal, multicultural, anti-capitalist, anti-globalization
The job ad is appalling. NPR, which to its credit at least attempts to cover science and health, is looking for a new Science Editor. Unfortunately, actually being trained in science is not required for the job.
In 2016, on one spring day in Australia (around November), which is also thunderstorm season there, thousands of people began to have trouble breathing, all at the same time.
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