We were pro-GMO before the term "GMO" was even invented. That's because the acronym "GMO" is not used by scientists, but is instead a colloquialism employed by the media, activists, and the general public.
As the coronavirus surges throughout the United States and much of the world, legitimate fears of overwhelmed hospitals and a spike in COVID-related deaths have returned. What should be done about them?
President Trump’s COVID-19 recovery has thrust into the spotlight the possibilities of novel, experimental therapies for this potentially deadly disease.
Despite the massive increase in COVID-19 testing, the reality is that tests are in limited supply. Pharmacies in several cities have implemented a screen to determine who can or cannot get a COVID test.
The coronavirus is once again spiraling out of control throughout much of the world, particularly in Western countries.
Does it make any sense to use an antibiotic like this?
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