Harm Reduction

 “This is a once-in-a-generation chance to fix some of the big weaknesses that we saw during COVID-19….  It could “make a tremendous difference for the next pandemic.”
Several years ago, questions were rightfully raised over an apparent racial bias in the calculation of an individual's kidney function, the creatinine clearance.
I’ve written before on the physiology of wearing masks in order to debunk some misinformation on the impact of masks on childbirth.
If, as the organizational guru Marie Kondo says, the object (in this case, clothing) no longer gives us joy, then it needs to move on.
This article is the collaborative work of Warren Kindzierski, Stan Young, and John Dunn ACSH has written previously on this topic.
One of the most poignant cases I recall handling was that of a youngster, age 13, whose hand was amputated by a restaurant meat processor where he was working illegally.
Biosphere “Our Biosphere includes people and all other living organisms that we directly or indirectly interact with. The Biosphere is our common heritage that sustains human existence.”
Climate “We find that global warming beyond 1.0 °C above pre-industrial levels, which has already been exceeded, carries a moderate likelihood of triggering tipping elements.”
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