Harm Reduction

My recent experience writing about the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) allegedly toxic fish fillet and the Consumer Protection Safety Commissions' desire to ban gas stoves made me wonder about just this.
Caffeine, cinnamon, or licorice are all foods or substances considered GRAS. Helium, hydrogen peroxide, or propane - all are considered GRAS substances when directly added to food.  
This is not the first time US Consumer Product Safety Commissioner Trumka offered this approach.
"(Fossil fuels) are the root cause of air pollution and climate change." New England Journal of Medicine [1] Global Trends
Two days before Christmas, I found myself part of a story of the sort that used to be presented on the Hallmark Hall of Fame – sentimental, saccharine, touching, and perfect for the holidays.
“We compare rates of firearm-related homicides and non-fatal shooting injuries among military-age males (i.e., young adults aged 18 to 29 years) in selected parts of 4 major US cities with rates of death and injury faced
That quote was from the coordinator of the WHO’s food safety division, who, as it turns out, was perhaps a bit hyperbolic in his concerns. But those concerns echoed globally.
Let’s start with an assumption that the number of cases of COVID in China is difficult to determine, primarily because China doesn’t care to share. So most of the numbers I have read and may mention come to us indirectly.
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