Do electronic cigarettes help smokers give up tobacco?
Harm Reduction
The study design was simple, asking participants to consider various reviews of consumer products or stores. In each case, the information was unchanged; they only changed the article's tone, with a control and two levels of anger.
One thing we are sure of in speaking about COVID-19 is that it is transmitted person-to-person. [1] Our homes are not exactly super-spreader sites, but once COVID-19 enters, it will have an opportunity to infect all of those in the home.
The study, published in Science, looks at the decision to perform a vaginal delivery or cesarian section – a binary choice that is important because that decision can impact infant and maternal mortality.
“Be true to your teeth, and they won’t be false to you.”
Soupy Sales
“… there is a strong scientific rationale and evidence that viruses are very efficiently spread through aerosols by the patient's breathing only. It is not necessary for the patient to cough or sneeze.
“Adults can do what they want, even though there’s simply no evidence that vapes help them to quit smoking. But our kids are not for sale.
The average American uses ten personal care products daily, and although the type of products has changed during the pandemic, their use has not.
We are born with certain instinctual behaviors. By what every means it is passed along, all of us have a fight or flight instinct when faced with danger. Can we all agree that when we fear for our lives, all of us fight or flee?