Harm Reduction

Image from Bloomberg Weekend Reading      
The Proposition  The research sought to understand how
Hiccups, medically termed singultus, are the involuntary contraction of your diaphragm, the large muscle group that helps us draw each and every breath.
The study looks at an existing system put in place in Austin, Texas, in May 2020. Greater Austin has about 2.2 million people, and much of Texas saw the spike in COVID-19 several months after the initial pandemic hotspots in the Northeast.
What we know – providing context
Mid-pandemic, we were regularly treated to videos of nasty, verbal, and at times physical, confrontations about wearing a mask. I’ve written about my views; I think they are helpful.
As a consultant, I oversaw the generation of tens of thousands of cubic feet of additional radioactive waste in a few environmental remediation projects.
Globally, we will soon have 59 Biosafety Level 4 labs 
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