Harm Reduction

Humans, it seems, are susceptible to DSS -- "do something syndrome."
The “opioid epidemic” consistently addressed in the news, by politicians and throughout social media conflates many aspects of the issue, often speaking interchangeably about prescription medications and illicit drugs.
Everyone agrees smoking is bad these days but how to end it has become its own cultural war, and the warring sides have come down along predictable lines.
We always knew when our PhD advisor was applying for a grant. He would pace the hallways, then go outside and smoke. A lot. (Thankfully, he's quit since then.)
Nowadays, some folks are raising alarm about "third-hand" smoke—residual chemicals, essentially particulate matter, left on indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke.
The Europeanesthesia Conference had a poster/abstract [1] addressing a phenomenon “barely known by health workers,” being the second victim.
Medical training involves both the learning of information and skills and because the practice of medicine can unintentionally harm individuals, supervision, and oversight.
When you mention infrastructure maintenance what comes to mind; roads, bridges, a political football, as exciting as watching paint dry, job creation?
It’s been a while since I wrote about foreign bodies in the body; but, given a recent published case report describes a 20-cm eggplant transanally positioned and stuc
"There’s no pill or capsule that can replace your sunscreen."
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