Podcast: ACSH Goes to Dr Phil; Cancers Have a 'Fungal Biome'

By Cameron English — Oct 18, 2022
Some cancers can be detected based on the fungi that grow within tumors, researchers say. Could this discovery lead to a life-saving screening technique? ACSH debated a pair of "fat acceptance" advocates on Dr. Phil. Let's take a closer look at the discussion.
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Join our directors of bio-sciences and chemistry, Cameron English and Dr. Josh Bloom, as they break down these stories on episode 24 of the Science Dispatch podcast.

An Israeli group has discovered that some cancers can be identified by blood tests that identify the DNA of different fungi that grow within different tumors. Could this be a breakthrough in cancer screening? Or maybe more? A strange but fascinating theory.

  Cameron English recently appeared on "Dr. Phil" to discuss the fat-acceptance movement—a dangerous, misnamed "social justice" cause that needs to die an abrupt death. Let's break down the debate that ensued.

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Cameron English

Director of Bioscience 

Cameron English is a writer, editor and co-host of the Science Facts and Fallacies Podcast. Before joining ACSH, he was managing editor at the Genetic Literacy Project.

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