It was inevitable that Amazon, the tech company that has eaten up retail, has turned its eye to another field to disrupt, healthcare.
Other Science News
Let’s put the formaldehyde killing our babies meme to its final rest.
With Christmas comes a perennial rush to decorate a tree in your home. As a Christmas tree neophyte in the early days of my marriage, it became rapidly apparent that I was not to be trusted with such a purchase on my own.
NOAA estimates the Pacific Snow Crabs population has dropped from 11.7 billion in 2018 to just under 1 billion in 2021 – the 2021 figure was confirmed by the readings in 2022. So, crab fishing is closed for the foreseeable future.
One of the reasons that foods are processed is to increase their “shelf-life,” which is another way of saying allowing these foods to travel along our supply chains and be buffered in warehouses so that supply always matches demand.
Typically a restaurant’s background sounds vary from around 65 decibels (dB), everyday conversation, office chatter, to 85 dB, consistent with city traffic, neari
There are people in this world who voluntarily swim into underwater caves.
“The researchers instead referred to obesity as a complex, chronic condition, and they were meeting to get to the bottom of why humans have, collectively, grown larger over the past half-century.
Swear words, “bad” words, are found across all cultures and have been with us probably shortly after we developed language.