Birds, A Boon to Bacteria
Other Science News
Well, no, in fact, I didn’t know this. It got me thinking about mistletoe and how it became a cultural tradition associated with Christmas.
What is Mistletoe?
There is a gender gap in pay, but are there reasons for the disparity not solely because of the employee’s gender?
Air conditioning has made it possible for us to live year-round in some very hot and humid places. It has also made it possible to shut out outdoor air pollutants and fresh air in the time of COVID.
Editorial Note: In honor of Thanksgiving, I will be offering a side-dish to What I Am Reading – a piece I wrote for the American Council o
This past year, more than any other, we have all become acquainted with risk, a concept that has had a significant role in my chosen career as a surgeon. What is the source of that word we so casually toss about these days?
I must admit, patience has not been a consistent virtue for me. I find I subscribe to the belief that I need patience…. Right away!. In any event, I ran across this
Let us begin with a confession. I have been hiking, fishing, and shooting sporting clays with little time to read for the last week or so.
Amazon’s strength lies in three areas: cloud computing services, transactions, those B2B or healthcare business to insurance payments(B2I), and logistics. How do these core competencies pair up in providing Amazon Care?