Other Science News

Actually, a Chinese Virologist Didn’t Prove that COVID-19 Was Man-Made
There was a real head-shaker of a story in Yahoo News yesterday; one I just couldn't ignore, especially since my official title has changed:
"When you don’t know someone well enough to buy them a gift, you give them money; likewise, self-confidence and diligence are seen as the universal tool for the child who must “become someone”—you know not who.
In a new study, researchers were interested in how a child develops an understanding of these leadership forms.
                (Sung to the tune of...every other blues song - it doesn't matter)
I've always been bullish about American scientific and technological supremacy, not in some starry-eyed, jingoistic way, but due to the simple reality that the United States remains the world's research and development engine.
“Back in February we saw a dramatic example of world regulatory coordination. Around the world public health authorities were talking about treating this virus like they had treated all the others in the last few decades.
I write for an organization whose mission is to debunk junk science, and we have seen a proliferation of junk, especially this year surrounding COVID-19.
In moments of great stress and distress, we often are told to look upward; in this case to the latest image of Jupiter and its companion, Europa.
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