Other Science News

Jim McGrath, the post-White House spokesman for former President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush, just tweeted that an apparently ill Mrs.
Being a night owl could literally kill you; that's according to the latest study from nearly half a million participants in the U.K.
Christopher Wild, Ph.D., has been the director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) since 2009 and during his tenure, the organization has been controversial.
Spring is in the air which means that flowers are blooming and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has published their annual "Dirty Dozen."
Remember the Occupy movement? It began in 2011 and fizzled out a few years later. Why?
During flu season, I write a lot of articles promoting the flu vaccine. Why? Because it is the best way to avoid getting the flu. 
Do you see yourself as a worthless cockroach contributing to the collapse of human civilization? Probably not, but Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich thinks precisely that about you.
For the 1% of the population who have celiac disease, eating gluten-free (GF) foods is much more than the latest food fad. It is imperative for good health and can be a matter of life and death. 
The results from a new study about marijuana use on the drug's so-called "High Holiday" might convince some drivers to steer clear of the roads that night.
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