The famed sue-and-settle group Center for Science in the Public Interest, founded by a former employee of Ralph Nader, are in the news again.
Cancer deaths are falling in the United States, and that's great to see. On the other hand, fatalities caused by heart disease are on the rise and there's a significant increase in deaths attributed to Alzheimer's disease.
Here we are at holiday time again — and along with getting together with family and friends, we can anticipate many opportunities for holiday parties and holiday eating and drinking.
All you have to do currently to encounter an influx of negativity and persistent “what ifs” or anxiety is turn to social media or any news outlet. This pervasive, chronic theme—no matter where you fall on the political spectrum—has been ever
For years now, activists such as CSPI have been agitating for a tax on sodas and other sugary soft drinks. They have been making headway under the rubric of aiming to improve public health.
The prevalence of dementia in the United States significantly declined from 11.6% in 2000 to 8.8% in 2012. A new study by JAMA Internal Medicine
It's probably the biggest issue in the nutrition world — no, not the Fat vs. Carbs dispute — but how to motivate people to make healthy food choices.
When trying to identify why many children gain weight at an early age, the conversation always seems to include the idea that schools, with their scheduling constraints and ever-tightening budgets, find it increasingly difficult to fund or create
The good news is that Americans have realized what public health experts have been sayng for years — obesity is a huge problem leading to a myriad of negative health outcomes.
When it comes to matters involving food -- shopping for, eating and disposing of it, just to name a few -- it's surprising how lack of awareness factors into each area.