That is actually a straw-man argument since the reality is that we need both, and these two poles of thinking have been in contention for some time.
Harm Reduction
"People define the term differently and inconsistently. Patients don't have 'social determinants' per se; they have specific health-related social needs that impact their health and day-to-day lives.
Within a few hours, several groups of scientists have raised increasing concerns about the integrity of the work.
The last few hundred years have been a bit of a tussle for man, first Copernicus moving Earth out of the center of the solar system, then Hubble, who put our solar system on the edge of an ever-expanding universe.
While the meaning of bully has changed, the effect of the presidential platform has not. Words have meaning. While we cannot excuse the President we need to remember that there were a number of physicians who wrote those prescriptions.
As we move towards reducing social distancing, the leading metric is the rate of new infections, hospitalization, and deaths that follow infection are lagging indicators.
Ozy, a reputable on-line creator and aggregator shares this in a post, Butterfly Effect: who’s more racist?
Just in the last three weeks alone, ACSH itself, as well as our writers and advisors, have appeared in 81 articles –– 60 of those in top publications and multimedia outlets with wide internet readership.
Since the start of social distancing (March 16, 2020) mobility in the United States has dropped 49%
Every US state has reduced mobility. Early adopters are doing better than late or non-adopters.