Some medical pundits and subsequently, the media are raising concerns about the actual percentages of those errors. Still, I would argue that at the moment, most of that discussion, however well-intended, is unimportant.
Harm Reduction
PM2.5 is also known as “fine” (as opposed to coarse) particles, and sometimes as “soot” (a misnomer used by the New York Times).
The writing team at ACSH has spent a great deal of time discussing masks and COVID-19.
Rather than throw another prediction into the pile, I thought it might be a more instructive moment to consider the factors to be considered. What follows is an incomplete, inconclusive list.
We are going to be at home for a while, and those not working at home face hours of free time. And let's be real; you can only fill so many hours on social media or newscasts before the incessant words of hope and doom catch up with you.
Over 15 years, from 2000 to 2015, there were 612,030 motor vehicle fatalities, 37% involved one or more drivers with a positive BAC. While the majority, 85%, involved a legally impaired level, roughly 34,000 deaths involved lower amounts.
Air pollution epidemiology has tended to emphasize premature mortality; the NIH database lists over 3000 papers with those terms in the title or abstract.
The study considers the period from 2011 to 2017, after the "Chernobyl-induced" moratorium, when 10 of the seventeen operational nuclear reactors in Germany were shut down.
Probiotics, like supplements, come under the regulatory oversight of the FDA.