Surgical risk is a here and now proposition; you get the outcome of your surgical management right away; the acuity of the timing makes it difficult to claim an adverse result was solely due to the disease or the patient.
Harm Reduction
It is a given, at least in healthcare involving procedures, that more experience results in better outcomes.
It is not one world, culturally or economically. For many in the developing world, indoor air pollution comes from the open fires and solid fuels they use to cook.
Reprinted with permission of the author and the Cato Institute. Dr.
Hospitals no longer have those open wards of the ’40s and ’50s, but the idea of keeping similar types of patients together persists. A new study asks an age-old question, does location matter? Spoiler alert – yes.
It began with the Daily Mail in the UK reporting on a lead from Instagram of a Florida teen whose lung collapsed from vaping. What a great story in this media environment, if only it were true.
Stop and frisk, was a controversial police program in New York where “suspicious” individuals were stopped without any other probable cause and questioned by police.
Like the ripples made by a rock thrown into a pond, the evils of opioid’s especially those “handed out” by physicians perturbs the pond of common sense medical care.
60% of America’s annual deaths, 1.7 million deaths are due to medical error! Do I have your attention? Those numbers are based on a study [1] of course and are not so much blown out of proportion as just wrong.