Other Science News

Undoubtedly, you have heard dozens of pieces of advice, telling you how to lead a healthier and potentially longer life.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington, DC to film on set at Al Jazeera for a live television program that engaged a global discussion on sickle ce
We all remember Rebecca Black. Oh, do we remember.
As a pediatrician, I always advise don’t be fooled by the cuteness. Urging parents to stay strong --especially in those vulnerable moments. See the big picture. Follow through with consequences for bad behavior.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes it clear that their regulations on our foods, drugs, cosmetics, etc. are not created in a vacuum, rather they are "formed with the public’s help."
According to Reuter’s World News, “Panamanian former dictator, CIA spy and convicted cocaine trafficker Manuel Noriega was in a coma on Tuesday after suffering a hem
Mass shootings and terrorism. These two topics continue to strike fear into the hearts of Americans everywhere.
A common question I hear again and again is, "How do I know if a news story is fake?" There is no easy answer1.
Most of us have an imaginary cleaning list in our heads we dreadfully whip out on the weekend and try to get through as fast as possible. More often than not, our cleaning lists are similar: clean bathrooms, dust, vacuum, dishes, laundry.
Question: How long can an image of one's face be used to accurately identify that person?
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